Subterranean Clutter: Out Of Sight Doesn’t Always Mean Out of Mind


Have you ever found yourself wondering why the stuff in the forgotten corners of the house still seem to nag at you? You know, those attics, basements, garages, and storage units where we stashed away items to clear our living spaces. It's curious, isn't it? We thought out of sight would mean out of mind, but somehow, the clutter lingers in our thoughts.

Many of us label these collections as clutter because they're not exactly adding sparkle to our lives anymore. They're just... there. Kept for "just in case" moments, maybe to preserve a memory or to hedge against some imagined future need.

It's like a vault of subconscious thoughts. To put it another way, it's a bit like procrastinating on dealing with emotional baggage. And, the length of time that it has been stored away can tell you how long you have been putting off not dealing with what is symbolically buried in the stuff. 

So, how do you finally clear your minds from this clutter? Well, you can start by sifting through and rescuing the items that still bring you joy. Then you can ponder on the rest with fresh eyes and a new perspective and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are you saving it for?

  • What is your attachment to it? 

  • Is it bringing up memories, scarcity issues, fear, guilt, shame? What do you need to do to work through those attachments?

  • Have you used it in the past year? 

  • Do you have a plan to use it in the next year? 

  • If you don’t do anything with it now, will it still be here in the same place 10-plus years from now. 

  • Could the conditions in the space such as pests, mold, or mildew be wreaking havoc on your possessions? Is it already too late for some of them?

I understand tackling these spaces can be daunting. But remember, you're not alone in this journey. If you need a hand, know that I'm here, ready to assist you every step of the way.